Tuesday, December 11, 2007

random crap

on realising that my english has become deplorable insofar as adjectives can't begin to describe its degree of fucked-up-ness, i have decided to embark on a mission to improve it (again!). so i guess this is a start (hopefully!). i'm now going to post regularly (my frequency will be more than one post a month) about random crap or not-so-random crap or pseudo-crap, whichever appears to be more crappy at the time. (i like parantheses!) (so much so that sometimes i use them to spout nonsense, and i know they're supposed to have a point but their sheer pizazz has captivated me so much that even pointlessness seems appealing, like this long, sinuous, absurd and overladen-with-adjectives string of disjointed thoughts n words n shit n well, i guess you get the point of it all) (psych!)

o well, i have a lab exam tomorrow...and i'm supposed to be writing my bloody lab record. a friend of mine (bob!) was home the entire day and to our credit, we did complete quite a bit amidst all the CAD and the pepsi and the game reviews. i think i still have another good hour or four to go before my record will have the merest semblance of being complete, but what the hell, that's the way things are supposed to be aren't they? ack, i'm too bloody bored to go draw any of that shit now...
sigh! things seem to get more and more boring by the day, don't they? i was so bored yesterday that i logged on to orkut and spent a good 10-15 minutes updating my profile n shit (i've kinda gotten hooked onto suffixing 'n shit' with sentences n paragraphs n shit).

n i'm at a point where my balance is down to 3 bucks...which is a harrowing experience for me because i usually spend a lot of time messaging a whole lot of ppl (its fun messaging ppl you spend the whole day with...right, hektor?). now i'm stuck with bloody incoming messages i can't reply to. its a cruel cruel world out there...

n shit


Blogger Unknown said...

Hail the g-man! The king of random crap! <:-P

Blogger g-man said...

rofl...that sounds kinda appealing ya know!

Blogger rk said...

yea well shit does happen ya no...

Blogger g-man said...

hah! got a balance now anyhoo


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